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Tips for Student

          How to face the challenge
Following are some doubts which arise in the mind of almost all the students but may face them by taking some care:-

I cannot study because I am in depression; I fell into it because I was not studying!
1.   Depression is escape mechanism of people afraid of facing failures. Failure is integral part of learning.
I understand everything in class but cannot solve on my own.
2.    Writing work is vital. It is multiple activities, initially idea comes in mind then we put into language to express it, we are focused in hand eye coordination, eye creates visual impression on brain which is recorded there. WRITING WORK IS EMBOSSED ON BRAIN LIKE CRAVING OF ATALANTA CAVE.
In exams my brain goes blank, but I can crack them at home.
3.    Home attempt is your secondary attempt! You are contemplating about it while home back. You do not behave differently in exam you replicate your instinct. When a fast bowler was bowling no balls. His coach placed a stump on crease, in fear of injury he got it right. CONCEPTUALIZATION, WRITING EQUATION, SOLVING, THEN PROBLEM GETS TO CONCLUSION!
I am an average student. It is rationalization used by the people afraid of hard work.
4.    In their reference frame Newton's first law applies “if I have a misconception I will continue with it unless pushed by an external agent even I will surround him in my web of misconception Yielding zero resultant.” AVERAGE IS NOT DUE TO CAPACITY LACUANE BUT DUE TO LACK OF DETERMINATION TO SHED INERTNESS.
A famous cliché “I do not have luck in my favor” Principle of Causality: CAUSE OF AN EVENT OCCURS IN TIME BEFORE OCCURANCE OF THAT EVENT. i.e., Cause occurs first then event occurs. SHINING OF LUCK IS NOT AN INSTANTANEOUS EVENT IT IS PRECEDED BY RELENTLESS HARD WORK. Sow a seed of aspiration in mind, Water it with passion, dedication it will bear fruit, luck can give you sweeter fruit.

Some Useful tips for Students:-
1.   Do not take study as a burden actually it’s a skill like singing and dancing. It has to be honed by proper devotion and dedication.
2.   Without strong sense of achievement you can't excel. Before entering the competitive field strong counseling by Parent is must. Majority do not know what for they are here. No strategic planning, they behave like a tail ender batting in front of stein’s bouncers.
3.   Science is not a subject based on well laid down procedures or based on learning some facts, it involves very intuitive and exploratory approach. Unless there is desire and passion to learn you cannot discover new ideas. It requires patience and hard work, whose fruit may be tangible later on.
4.   Some students realize very late that they are studying for acquiring skills and honing them. There is feeling that they can ride at a back of instructor and achieve excellence. Study comes as torturous exercise enforced on them and there is some mechanism that can take this burden of them.
5.   Science is not about gaining good marks, up to X by reading key point’s good marks are achieved but beyond that only those survive who have genuine interest in learning and exploring. Self-study habit is must.
IF YOU WANT TO GAIN LEAD START EARLY. Majority of successful students try to finish major portion elementary part of syllabus before they enter Coaching Institute. Due to their majority level as compared to others is more they get ample time to adjust with the fast pace. They are less traumatized by the scientific matter handed over. For those who enter fresh must be counseled to not get bullied by early starters but work harder initially within first two months initial age is neutralized.
One’s a student legs behind due to some forced errors his mind begins to play rationalization remarks like I am an average student, my mind is not sharp enough, I have low IQ etc. These words are mechanism used to avoid hard work. These words are relative terms a person who has early start may be intelligent relative to you.

Intelligence means cumulative result of hard work of previous years, that hard works has eventually led to a development of instinct to crack things easily.

Tips for Student Tips for Student Reviewed by Wasimdarbar on March 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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